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Sip the spice.

Spicy and sweet with a kick, Fire Cider is made from apple cider vinegar infused with roots, fruits, and spices. A daily dose of wellness, Fire Cider sparks and supports the immune system and digestion and may reduce inflammation in the body. Take a shot of this folk remedy daily! Enjoy neat, dress greens and salads, or spike your sparkling and still water. It’s an ancient remedy that never went out of style.

Ingredients: Organic Ginger rhizome extract, Organic Garlic bulb extract, Organic Onion bulb extract, Organic Horseradish root extract, Organic Rosemary leaf extract, Organic Thyme herb extract, Organic Cayenne fruit extract, Organic Apple cider vinegar, Organic Honey, Organic lemon juice.

Suggested use: Take 1 Tbsp up to 3 times daily.

Cautions: Consult with your healthcare provider prior to use if you are pregnant, or if you have excess stomach acid, stomach inflammation or ulcers, or acid reflux.

*This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

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