Dragon's Blood Sage Smudge Stick
Dragon's Blood Sage Smudge Stick

Smudging is known to remove negative energy + negative ions, which aid the body in demolishing built-up bacteria and releasing feel-good chemicals from the brain.
Smudging is practiced in many cultures, but it is widely popular in the Indian and Native American cultures to promote healing and increase overall wellness.
Our hand-tied, sustainably grown sage smudge stick is the perfect addition to your wellness routine. These bundles have been colored with dragon’s blood tree resin, giving them an earthy red hue.
Dragon’s blood has traditionally been used to enhance rituals & is thought to strengthen the manifestation power of spells.
Carefully light one end of the sage bundle using a small flame. Allow end to burn for a few seconds, then quickly blow out the flame.
Place the smoking stick on a fire-safe surface, such as a metal bowl, clay bowl, shell, or crystal agate dish. Keep a small dish or cup of water nearby for quick distinguishing.
CAUTION: Use with extreme caution. Do not leave a burning or smoldering stick unattended. Keep out of reach of children.